I have made the decision to go in the extention trial and as I understand it so far, I will just continue on the oral Fingolimod and will not continue Avonex injections. Interesting. So, my hope would be to stay on the pill until it reaches FDA approval so that I wouldn't have to take a break from it and have to do another MS med until it does become available. I'll be getting all the details on Tuesday at my one year appointment.
So Tuesday... what a day that will be. Here's the run down:
Urinalysis and pregnancy test
Ophthalology exam with optical coherence tomography test
Neurolical exam
Physical exam
Vital Signs
Pulmonary Function Test
Chest X-Ray
Quality of Life Questionaires
Review of any adverse events
Phew! That is going to be one long day. My eye exam starts at 8:30 and that means having hugely dialated eyes for most of the day! Argh! I hate those super duper drops they use. And the most disappointing thing is that I will not be told for probably a year as to what med I've been on all this year. Darn! I really wanna know!