Thursday, February 21, 2008
Dermatologist Appointment
I almost forgot in posting about my 9 month check-in. I was clearly too happy about injections ;) For the last 6 months the acne on my face has been relentless. It has been chalked up to stress as the last couple years have never been more stressful in my life, but now being on the trial means more doctors! I'm being forwarded to a Dermatologist to have my skin looked at as it could be medication related. My acne just doesn't want to heal. It lingers on in the same location. I'm not vain enough to go on the Tetracycline that my family doctor prescribed, but I have to admit that I'm tired of always looking at my face and reliving my years as a 17 year old! So, we'll see how fast they get me in to see someone.