So, this starts the final countdown on Avonex injections left to do for the trial! THIRTEEN LEFT TO GO!!! I'm still so shocked at how well I handle my injections since starting them 9 months ago. I think about that first time I had to do it on my own and how I hovered for 15 minutes or more on several occasions in fear of stabbing myself. I was even feeling more confident while giving blood yesterday that I almost looked down at my arm to watch her take the blood! I thought that might tempt fate, so I just looked right at my nurse which I typically don't do either. Usually I stare in the opposite direction so there wouldn't be a chance I could see anything needle or blood related. But I really do feel comfortable with it all now. I don't get even a slight fainting feeling any more. I didn't even have to self talk myself to remember to breath like I first started doing in the trial. I don't have any negative reactions any more! Perhaps on my next appointment I'll have a glance down and see how I feel :) Feeling proud about where I came from though!