2007-05-29 20:49:08
Stavros left this question for me so i thought I would answer it here: Is the trial you are participating in a double-blind trial? If so, how are you preparing yourself for the possibility of receiving a placebo? Yes, it's a double blind, randomized, 12 month study to test Fingolimods safety and efficacy against Avonex. It has 3 treatment groups. I will be randomly put in one of these three and take this regiment:
1. 1.25mg of Fingolimod (one pill once a day) and placebo IM injection (once a week)
2. 0.5mg of Fingolimod (one pill once a day) and placebo IM injection (once a week)
3. Avonex IM injection (once a week) and placebo pill (one pill once a day)
It says that I will have an equal chance of being assigned to one of the 3 different groups. So, there isn't going to be a "group" that I'll be on nothing! And thats what tipped me over into doing this trial. If I was going to pick an ABCR I would have choosen Avonex anyhow, but with the trial making it free to me and then also the potential of being on Fingolimod to boot, it's a pretty win, win situation for me. I'm also not going to waste a year or 2 not taking anything for my MS which was also important for exactly what you are asking. How would I feel if I was taking nothing for the whole time? Well, I don't have to do it that way, I just won't know if I'll be on the tried and true Avonex at 33% efficacy or on Fingolimod with early phase 2 results showing almost double that efficacy. Hope that answers your questions :) Thanks for asking! Keep the question coming!