Thursday, August 9, 2007
I phoned the MS clinic clinical trial folks a moment ago to let them know about my numbness. I thought it was more than my usual and should report it as it's down to my wrist now. Turns out I should have called a couple days ago! But I hadn't been given any relapse info (as to what I have to do when I relapse) so I have to go to the clinic tomorrow for a neuro exam and full physical. Whoops! I'll know better for next time if there is a next time. I guess numbness in my body is just not something I relate to as a relapse. I have numbness here and there all the time, just not so all consuming as right now. I haven't felt this much of my body numb since 2001 and that was my first undiagnosed attack. The thing is, I won't be doing anything about it. I don't really hurt and I'm still walking (I have a small hike planned for tomorrow morning!) and my legs aren't giving out or anything. I'm a bit more wobbly than usual with balance but that still hasn't altered how I'm living my life day to day. I suppose a part of my clinical trial commitment is to be examined under all varied health conditions. So, off I go to be the guinea pig I asked to be! Ha!