I was at the MS clinic yesterday morning for my 2 month check in for the trial and a replenishing of drugs. I called my nurse my pusher. She laughed. The cool thing she told me is that I'm in that stage where the medication (whichever one) will be kicking in pretty full force having had 2 months in my system now. She said that the medication can't fix my symptoms, but that it will be affecting or holding off my disease activity for my immune system. That in turn frees up my immune system to be doing the right thing for me instead of the wrong thing in attacking me. She says that lots of patients report feeling "clearer". I'm all for that. Anyone else recall that "better" feeling after starting on meds? We chatted about which drug I think I'm on cuz I virtually have no side effect symptoms at this point. I told her that I change every other week at to which one I'm on. This week I can report that I'm on the pill :) Thats because I hit a vein during my last injection and bled like a stuck pig, but I don't have any site reaction even with doing that. So, I'm not on the injectable any more.
Almost forgot! I officially don't need to lie down or do anything different or special for giving blood! I don't faint anymore!!! YAY! I just have to keep talking during the procedure and I still do visualization techniques the day before. I'm pretty proud of myself for overcoming this. It's been a life long irritating, embarrassing thing in my life and I'm glad to have changed it. :) Clinical trials are at least good for something, no?