2007-05-24 09:15:18
Jim posted a comment with these questions: This does, indeed, show promise. It will be interesting to follow the progress of this medication/ Is the med received by infusion, injecion, or by mouth? Have you any indication as to how it modulates MS? Or is it too early to tell? So, I'll answer then from my uneducated perspective of what I understand at this point: This is a pill taken once a day. Apparantly it's small, but I haven't seen it yet :) They way it was described to me by the clinical trial nurse is that the medication attaches to my t-cells, and then instead of letting them go to myelin for an attack, the medication makes the t-cells migrate back to my lymphnodes so they can be cleaned up and then sent out to battle properly. It's kind of like an interuption in the faulty T-cell activity to slow that contuinued attack on our Myelin. Thats all I know for the moment! I'm back at the hospital on Monday for my second screening appointment and if all continues well in those tests again, I get my first dose of meds on June 4th!