I was at the MS clinic a couple weeks ago for another clinical trial appointment. My newest EDSS score is 1.5 which was a bit blech to see even though I know that's low. I've not had any attacks recently but I am not healing well. I had scrap on my leg and 7 weeks later it was still there and not healing. Weird. An affect from the Fingolimod no doubt. My trial continues though and I keep taking my little pill every morning. Still no real side effects that I can come up with. I so hope the rest of you can go on this pill soon! The last rumours I saw was perhaps attempting FDA approval at the end of this year. I hope I can stay on the trial if Novartis does get approval!
And today I'm happy to be three weeks out from moving day. It's so much easier to be almost fully unpacked and away from all the craziness that moving is. My fatigue and physical pain was at a pretty manageable point throughout. I was pretty happy about that. And I've been taking my Baclofen at night and thats AWESOME! My lumbar doesn't keep me awake all night and I actually sleep! Makes me a happy camper in the mornings.